full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jessica Jackley: Poverty, money -- and love

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But I also learned very soon thereafter that Jesus also said, and I'm paraphrasing, the poor would always be with us. This frustrated and confused me; I felt like I had been just given a homework assignment that I had to do, and I was excited to do, but no matter what I would do, I would fail. So I felt confused, a little bit frsruatted and angry, like maybe I'd msidesunrtood something here. And I felt overwhelmed. And for the first time, I began to fear this group of people and to feel negative eimtoon towards a whole group of people. I imagined in my head, a kind of long line of individuals that were never going away, that would always be with us. They were always going to ask me to help them and give them things, which I was eitecxd to do, but I didn't know how it was going to work. And I didn't know what would hppean when I ran out of things to give, especially if the problem was never going away. In the years following, the other srietos I heard about the poor growing up were no more positive. For example, I saw pictures and images frequently of sadness and suffering. I heard about things that were going wrong in the lives of the poor. I heard about disease, I heard about war — they always seemed to be kind of related. And in general, I got this sort of idea that the poor in the world lived lives that were wguhort with srfuenifg and ssdenas, devastation, hssosneleeps.

Open Cloze

But I also learned very soon thereafter that Jesus also said, and I'm paraphrasing, the poor would always be with us. This frustrated and confused me; I felt like I had been just given a homework assignment that I had to do, and I was excited to do, but no matter what I would do, I would fail. So I felt confused, a little bit __________ and angry, like maybe I'd _____________ something here. And I felt overwhelmed. And for the first time, I began to fear this group of people and to feel negative _______ towards a whole group of people. I imagined in my head, a kind of long line of individuals that were never going away, that would always be with us. They were always going to ask me to help them and give them things, which I was _______ to do, but I didn't know how it was going to work. And I didn't know what would ______ when I ran out of things to give, especially if the problem was never going away. In the years following, the other _______ I heard about the poor growing up were no more positive. For example, I saw pictures and images frequently of sadness and suffering. I heard about things that were going wrong in the lives of the poor. I heard about disease, I heard about war — they always seemed to be kind of related. And in general, I got this sort of idea that the poor in the world lived lives that were _______ with _________ and _______, devastation, ____________.


  1. misunderstood
  2. excited
  3. happen
  4. stories
  5. hopelessness
  6. sadness
  7. suffering
  8. frustrated
  9. emotion
  10. wrought

Original Text

But I also learned very soon thereafter that Jesus also said, and I'm paraphrasing, the poor would always be with us. This frustrated and confused me; I felt like I had been just given a homework assignment that I had to do, and I was excited to do, but no matter what I would do, I would fail. So I felt confused, a little bit frustrated and angry, like maybe I'd misunderstood something here. And I felt overwhelmed. And for the first time, I began to fear this group of people and to feel negative emotion towards a whole group of people. I imagined in my head, a kind of long line of individuals that were never going away, that would always be with us. They were always going to ask me to help them and give them things, which I was excited to do, but I didn't know how it was going to work. And I didn't know what would happen when I ran out of things to give, especially if the problem was never going away. In the years following, the other stories I heard about the poor growing up were no more positive. For example, I saw pictures and images frequently of sadness and suffering. I heard about things that were going wrong in the lives of the poor. I heard about disease, I heard about war — they always seemed to be kind of related. And in general, I got this sort of idea that the poor in the world lived lives that were wrought with suffering and sadness, devastation, hopelessness.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
small businesses 4
feel bad 3
goat herders 3
supportive communities 3
sunday school 2
school teacher 2
east africa 2
life change 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
sunday school teacher 2

Important Words

  1. angry
  2. assignment
  3. began
  4. bit
  5. confused
  6. devastation
  7. disease
  8. emotion
  9. excited
  10. fail
  11. fear
  12. feel
  13. felt
  14. frequently
  15. frustrated
  16. general
  17. give
  18. group
  19. growing
  20. happen
  21. head
  22. heard
  23. homework
  24. hopelessness
  25. idea
  26. images
  27. imagined
  28. individuals
  29. jesus
  30. kind
  31. learned
  32. line
  33. lived
  34. lives
  35. long
  36. matter
  37. misunderstood
  38. negative
  39. overwhelmed
  40. paraphrasing
  41. people
  42. pictures
  43. poor
  44. positive
  45. problem
  46. ran
  47. related
  48. sadness
  49. sort
  50. stories
  51. suffering
  52. time
  53. war
  54. work
  55. world
  56. wrong
  57. wrought
  58. years